QEMU TCG Plugins

Writing plugins

API versioning

This is a new feature for QEMU and it does allow people to develop out-of-tree plugins that can be dynamically linked into a running QEMU process. However the project reserves the right to change or break the API should it need to do so. The best way to avoid this is to submit your plugin upstream so they can be updated if/when the API changes.

All plugins need to declare a symbol which exports the plugin API version they were built against. This can be done simply by:


The core code will refuse to load a plugin that doesn’t export a qemu_plugin_version symbol or if plugin version is outside of QEMU’s supported range of API versions.

Additionally the qemu_info_t structure which is passed to the qemu_plugin_install method of a plugin will detail the minimum and current API versions supported by QEMU. The API version will be incremented if new APIs are added. The minimum API version will be incremented if existing APIs are changed or removed.

Lifetime of the query handle

Each callback provides an opaque anonymous information handle which can usually be further queried to find out information about a translation, instruction or operation. The handles themselves are only valid during the lifetime of the callback so it is important that any information that is needed is extracted during the callback and saved by the plugin.

Plugin life cycle

First the plugin is loaded and the public qemu_plugin_install function is called. The plugin will then register callbacks for various plugin events. Generally plugins will register a handler for the atexit if they want to dump a summary of collected information once the program/system has finished running.

When a registered event occurs the plugin callback is invoked. The callbacks may provide additional information. In the case of a translation event the plugin has an option to enumerate the instructions in a block of instructions and optionally register callbacks to some or all instructions when they are executed.

There is also a facility to add inline instructions doing various operations, like adding or storing an immediate value. It is also possible to execute a callback conditionally, with condition being evaluated inline. All those inline operations are associated to a scoreboard, which is a thread-local storage automatically expanded when new cores/threads are created and that can be accessed/modified in a thread-safe way without any lock needed. Combining inline operations and conditional callbacks offer a more efficient way to instrument binaries, compared to classic callbacks.

Finally when QEMU exits all the registered atexit callbacks are invoked.

Exposure of QEMU internals

The plugin architecture actively avoids leaking implementation details about how QEMU’s translation works to the plugins. While there are conceptions such as translation time and translation blocks the details are opaque to plugins. The plugin is able to query select details of instructions and system configuration only through the exported qemu_plugin functions.

However the following assumptions can be made:

Translation Blocks

All code will go through a translation phase although not all translations will be necessarily be executed. You need to instrument actual executions to track what is happening.

It is quite normal to see the same address translated multiple times. If you want to track the code in system emulation you should examine the underlying physical address (qemu_plugin_insn_haddr) to take into account the effects of virtual memory although if the system does paging this will change too.

Not all instructions in a block will always execute so if its important to track individual instruction execution you need to instrument them directly. However asynchronous interrupts will not change control flow mid-block.


Instruction instrumentation runs before the instruction executes. You can be can be sure the instruction will be dispatched, but you can’t be sure it will complete. Generally this will be because of a synchronous exception (e.g. SIGILL) triggered by the instruction attempting to execute. If you want to be sure you will need to instrument the next instruction as well. See the execlog.c plugin for examples of how to track this and finalise details after execution.

Memory Accesses

Memory callbacks are called after a successful load or store. Unsuccessful operations (i.e. faults) will not be visible to memory instrumentation although the execution side effects can be observed (e.g. entering a exception handler).

System Idle and Resume States

The qemu_plugin_register_vcpu_idle_cb and qemu_plugin_register_vcpu_resume_cb functions can be used to track when CPUs go into and return from sleep states when waiting for external I/O. Be aware though that these may occur less frequently than in real HW due to the inefficiencies of emulation giving less chance for the CPU to idle.



We have to ensure we cannot deadlock, particularly under MTTCG. For this we acquire a lock when called from plugin code. We also keep the list of callbacks under RCU so that we do not have to hold the lock when calling the callbacks. This is also for performance, since some callbacks (e.g. memory access callbacks) might be called very frequently.

  • A consequence of this is that we keep our own list of CPUs, so that we do not have to worry about locking order wrt cpu_list_lock.

  • Use a recursive lock, since we can get registration calls from callbacks.

As a result registering/unregistering callbacks is “slow”, since it takes a lock. But this is very infrequent; we want performance when calling (or not calling) callbacks, not when registering them. Using RCU is great for this.

We support the uninstallation of a plugin at any time (e.g. from plugin callbacks). This allows plugins to remove themselves if they no longer want to instrument the code. This operation is asynchronous which means callbacks may still occur after the uninstall operation is requested. The plugin isn’t completely uninstalled until the safe work has executed while all vCPUs are quiescent.

Plugin API

The following API is generated from the inline documentation in include/qemu/qemu-plugin.h. Please ensure any updates to the API include the full kernel-doc annotations.

type qemu_plugin_id_t

Unique plugin ID

struct qemu_info_t

system information for plugins


struct qemu_info_t {
  const char *target_name;
  struct {
    int min;
    int cur;
  } version;
  bool system_emulation;
  union {
    struct {
      int smp_vcpus;
      int max_vcpus;
    } system;



string describing architecture


minimum and current plugin API level


is this a full system emulation?




information relevant to system emulation


This structure provides for some limited information about the system to allow the plugin to make decisions on how to proceed. For example it might only be suitable for running on some guest architectures or when under full system emulation.

int qemu_plugin_install(qemu_plugin_id_t id, const qemu_info_t *info, int argc, char **argv)

Install a plugin


qemu_plugin_id_t id

this plugin’s opaque ID

const qemu_info_t *info

a block describing some details about the guest

int argc

number of arguments

char **argv

array of arguments (argc elements)


All plugins must export this symbol which is called when the plugin is first loaded. Calling qemu_plugin_uninstall() from this function is a bug.


info is only live during the call. Copy any information we want to keep. argv remains valid throughout the lifetime of the loaded plugin.


0 on successful loading, !0 for an error.


Typedef: simple callback


void qemu_plugin_simple_cb_t (qemu_plugin_id_t id)


qemu_plugin_id_t id

the unique qemu_plugin_id_t


This callback passes no information aside from the unique id.


Typedef: callback with user data


void qemu_plugin_udata_cb_t (qemu_plugin_id_t id, void *userdata)


qemu_plugin_id_t id

the unique qemu_plugin_id_t

void *userdata

a pointer to some user data supplied when the callback was registered.


Typedef: vcpu callback


void qemu_plugin_vcpu_simple_cb_t (qemu_plugin_id_t id, unsigned int vcpu_index)


qemu_plugin_id_t id

the unique qemu_plugin_id_t

unsigned int vcpu_index

the current vcpu context


Typedef: vcpu callback


void qemu_plugin_vcpu_udata_cb_t (unsigned int vcpu_index, void *userdata)


unsigned int vcpu_index

the current vcpu context

void *userdata

a pointer to some user data supplied when the callback was registered.

void qemu_plugin_uninstall(qemu_plugin_id_t id, qemu_plugin_simple_cb_t cb)

Uninstall a plugin


qemu_plugin_id_t id

this plugin’s opaque ID

qemu_plugin_simple_cb_t cb

callback to be called once the plugin has been removed


Do NOT assume that the plugin has been uninstalled once this function returns. Plugins are uninstalled asynchronously, and therefore the given plugin receives callbacks until cb is called.


Calling this function from qemu_plugin_install() is a bug.

void qemu_plugin_reset(qemu_plugin_id_t id, qemu_plugin_simple_cb_t cb)

Reset a plugin


qemu_plugin_id_t id

this plugin’s opaque ID

qemu_plugin_simple_cb_t cb

callback to be called once the plugin has been reset


Unregisters all callbacks for the plugin given by id.

Do NOT assume that the plugin has been reset once this function returns. Plugins are reset asynchronously, and therefore the given plugin receives callbacks until cb is called.

void qemu_plugin_register_vcpu_init_cb(qemu_plugin_id_t id, qemu_plugin_vcpu_simple_cb_t cb)

register a vCPU initialization callback


qemu_plugin_id_t id

plugin ID

qemu_plugin_vcpu_simple_cb_t cb

callback function


The cb function is called every time a vCPU is initialized.

See also: qemu_plugin_register_vcpu_exit_cb()

void qemu_plugin_register_vcpu_exit_cb(qemu_plugin_id_t id, qemu_plugin_vcpu_simple_cb_t cb)

register a vCPU exit callback


qemu_plugin_id_t id

plugin ID

qemu_plugin_vcpu_simple_cb_t cb

callback function


The cb function is called every time a vCPU exits.

See also: qemu_plugin_register_vcpu_init_cb()

void qemu_plugin_register_vcpu_idle_cb(qemu_plugin_id_t id, qemu_plugin_vcpu_simple_cb_t cb)

register a vCPU idle callback


qemu_plugin_id_t id

plugin ID

qemu_plugin_vcpu_simple_cb_t cb

callback function


The cb function is called every time a vCPU idles.

void qemu_plugin_register_vcpu_resume_cb(qemu_plugin_id_t id, qemu_plugin_vcpu_simple_cb_t cb)

register a vCPU resume callback


qemu_plugin_id_t id

plugin ID

qemu_plugin_vcpu_simple_cb_t cb

callback function


The cb function is called every time a vCPU resumes execution.

type qemu_plugin_u64

uint64_t member of an entry in a scoreboard


This field allows to access a specific uint64_t member in one given entry, located at a specified offset. Inline operations expect this as entry.

enum qemu_plugin_cb_flags

type of callback



callback does not access the CPU’s regs


callback reads the CPU’s regs


callback reads and writes the CPU’s regs


currently QEMU_PLUGIN_CB_RW_REGS is unused, plugins cannot change system register state.

enum qemu_plugin_cond

condition to enable callback







is equal?


is not equal?


is less than?


is less than or equal?


is greater than?


is greater than or equal?


Typedef: translation callback


void qemu_plugin_vcpu_tb_trans_cb_t (qemu_plugin_id_t id, struct qemu_plugin_tb *tb)


qemu_plugin_id_t id

unique plugin id

struct qemu_plugin_tb *tb

opaque handle used for querying and instrumenting a block.

void qemu_plugin_register_vcpu_tb_trans_cb(qemu_plugin_id_t id, qemu_plugin_vcpu_tb_trans_cb_t cb)

register a translate cb


qemu_plugin_id_t id

plugin ID

qemu_plugin_vcpu_tb_trans_cb_t cb

callback function


The cb function is called every time a translation occurs. The cb function is passed an opaque qemu_plugin_type which it can query for additional information including the list of translated instructions. At this point the plugin can register further callbacks to be triggered when the block or individual instruction executes.

void qemu_plugin_register_vcpu_tb_exec_cb(struct qemu_plugin_tb *tb, qemu_plugin_vcpu_udata_cb_t cb, enum qemu_plugin_cb_flags flags, void *userdata)

register execution callback


struct qemu_plugin_tb *tb

the opaque qemu_plugin_tb handle for the translation

qemu_plugin_vcpu_udata_cb_t cb

callback function

enum qemu_plugin_cb_flags flags

does the plugin read or write the CPU’s registers?

void *userdata

any plugin data to pass to the cb?


The cb function is called every time a translated unit executes.

void qemu_plugin_register_vcpu_tb_exec_cond_cb(struct qemu_plugin_tb *tb, qemu_plugin_vcpu_udata_cb_t cb, enum qemu_plugin_cb_flags flags, enum qemu_plugin_cond cond, qemu_plugin_u64 entry, uint64_t imm, void *userdata)

register conditional callback


struct qemu_plugin_tb *tb

the opaque qemu_plugin_tb handle for the translation

qemu_plugin_vcpu_udata_cb_t cb

callback function

enum qemu_plugin_cb_flags flags

does the plugin read or write the CPU’s registers?

enum qemu_plugin_cond cond

condition to enable callback

qemu_plugin_u64 entry

first operand for condition

uint64_t imm

second operand for condition

void *userdata

any plugin data to pass to the cb?


The cb function is called when a translated unit executes if entry cond imm is true. If condition is QEMU_PLUGIN_COND_ALWAYS, condition is never interpreted and this function is equivalent to qemu_plugin_register_vcpu_tb_exec_cb. If condition QEMU_PLUGIN_COND_NEVER, condition is never interpreted and callback is never installed.

enum qemu_plugin_op

describes an inline op



add an immediate value uint64_t


store an immediate value uint64_t

void qemu_plugin_register_vcpu_tb_exec_inline_per_vcpu(struct qemu_plugin_tb *tb, enum qemu_plugin_op op, qemu_plugin_u64 entry, uint64_t imm)

execution inline op


struct qemu_plugin_tb *tb

the opaque qemu_plugin_tb handle for the translation

enum qemu_plugin_op op

the type of qemu_plugin_op (e.g. ADD_U64)

qemu_plugin_u64 entry

entry to run op

uint64_t imm

the op data (e.g. 1)


Insert an inline op on a given scoreboard entry.

void qemu_plugin_register_vcpu_insn_exec_cb(struct qemu_plugin_insn *insn, qemu_plugin_vcpu_udata_cb_t cb, enum qemu_plugin_cb_flags flags, void *userdata)

register insn execution cb


struct qemu_plugin_insn *insn

the opaque qemu_plugin_insn handle for an instruction

qemu_plugin_vcpu_udata_cb_t cb

callback function

enum qemu_plugin_cb_flags flags

does the plugin read or write the CPU’s registers?

void *userdata

any plugin data to pass to the cb?


The cb function is called every time an instruction is executed

void qemu_plugin_register_vcpu_insn_exec_cond_cb(struct qemu_plugin_insn *insn, qemu_plugin_vcpu_udata_cb_t cb, enum qemu_plugin_cb_flags flags, enum qemu_plugin_cond cond, qemu_plugin_u64 entry, uint64_t imm, void *userdata)

conditional insn execution cb


struct qemu_plugin_insn *insn

the opaque qemu_plugin_insn handle for an instruction

qemu_plugin_vcpu_udata_cb_t cb

callback function

enum qemu_plugin_cb_flags flags

does the plugin read or write the CPU’s registers?

enum qemu_plugin_cond cond

condition to enable callback

qemu_plugin_u64 entry

first operand for condition

uint64_t imm

second operand for condition

void *userdata

any plugin data to pass to the cb?


The cb function is called when an instruction executes if entry cond imm is true. If condition is QEMU_PLUGIN_COND_ALWAYS, condition is never interpreted and this function is equivalent to qemu_plugin_register_vcpu_insn_exec_cb. If condition QEMU_PLUGIN_COND_NEVER, condition is never interpreted and callback is never installed.

void qemu_plugin_register_vcpu_insn_exec_inline_per_vcpu(struct qemu_plugin_insn *insn, enum qemu_plugin_op op, qemu_plugin_u64 entry, uint64_t imm)

insn exec inline op


struct qemu_plugin_insn *insn

the opaque qemu_plugin_insn handle for an instruction

enum qemu_plugin_op op

the type of qemu_plugin_op (e.g. ADD_U64)

qemu_plugin_u64 entry

entry to run op

uint64_t imm

the op data (e.g. 1)


Insert an inline op to every time an instruction executes.

size_t qemu_plugin_tb_n_insns(const struct qemu_plugin_tb *tb)

query helper for number of insns in TB


const struct qemu_plugin_tb *tb

opaque handle to TB passed to callback


number of instructions in this block

uint64_t qemu_plugin_tb_vaddr(const struct qemu_plugin_tb *tb)

query helper for vaddr of TB start


const struct qemu_plugin_tb *tb

opaque handle to TB passed to callback


virtual address of block start

struct qemu_plugin_insn *qemu_plugin_tb_get_insn(const struct qemu_plugin_tb *tb, size_t idx)

retrieve handle for instruction


const struct qemu_plugin_tb *tb

opaque handle to TB passed to callback

size_t idx

instruction number, 0 indexed


The returned handle can be used in follow up helper queries as well as when instrumenting an instruction. It is only valid for the lifetime of the callback.


opaque handle to instruction

size_t qemu_plugin_insn_data(const struct qemu_plugin_insn *insn, void *dest, size_t len)

copy instruction data


const struct qemu_plugin_insn *insn

opaque instruction handle from qemu_plugin_tb_get_insn()

void *dest

destination into which data is copied

size_t len

length of dest


Returns the number of bytes copied, minimum of len and insn size.

size_t qemu_plugin_insn_size(const struct qemu_plugin_insn *insn)

return size of instruction


const struct qemu_plugin_insn *insn

opaque instruction handle from qemu_plugin_tb_get_insn()


size of instruction in bytes

uint64_t qemu_plugin_insn_vaddr(const struct qemu_plugin_insn *insn)

return vaddr of instruction


const struct qemu_plugin_insn *insn

opaque instruction handle from qemu_plugin_tb_get_insn()


virtual address of instruction

void *qemu_plugin_insn_haddr(const struct qemu_plugin_insn *insn)

return hardware addr of instruction


const struct qemu_plugin_insn *insn

opaque instruction handle from qemu_plugin_tb_get_insn()


hardware (physical) target address of instruction

type qemu_plugin_meminfo_t

opaque memory transaction handle


This can be further queried using the qemu_plugin_mem_* query functions.

unsigned int qemu_plugin_mem_size_shift(qemu_plugin_meminfo_t info)

get size of access


qemu_plugin_meminfo_t info

opaque memory transaction handle


size of access in ^2 (0=byte, 1=16bit, 2=32bit etc…)

bool qemu_plugin_mem_is_sign_extended(qemu_plugin_meminfo_t info)

was the access sign extended


qemu_plugin_meminfo_t info

opaque memory transaction handle


true if it was, otherwise false

bool qemu_plugin_mem_is_big_endian(qemu_plugin_meminfo_t info)

was the access big endian


qemu_plugin_meminfo_t info

opaque memory transaction handle


true if it was, otherwise false

bool qemu_plugin_mem_is_store(qemu_plugin_meminfo_t info)

was the access a store


qemu_plugin_meminfo_t info

opaque memory transaction handle


true if it was, otherwise false

qemu_plugin_mem_value qemu_plugin_mem_get_value(qemu_plugin_meminfo_t info)

return last value loaded/stored


qemu_plugin_meminfo_t info

opaque memory transaction handle


memory value

struct qemu_plugin_hwaddr *qemu_plugin_get_hwaddr(qemu_plugin_meminfo_t info, uint64_t vaddr)

return handle for memory operation


qemu_plugin_meminfo_t info

opaque memory info structure

uint64_t vaddr

the virtual address of the memory operation


For system emulation returns a qemu_plugin_hwaddr handle to query details about the actual physical address backing the virtual address. For linux-user guests it just returns NULL.

This handle is only valid for the duration of the callback. Any information about the handle should be recovered before the callback returns.

bool qemu_plugin_hwaddr_is_io(const struct qemu_plugin_hwaddr *haddr)

query whether memory operation is IO


const struct qemu_plugin_hwaddr *haddr

address handle from qemu_plugin_get_hwaddr()


Returns true if the handle’s memory operation is to memory-mapped IO, or false if it is to RAM

uint64_t qemu_plugin_hwaddr_phys_addr(const struct qemu_plugin_hwaddr *haddr)

query physical address for memory operation


const struct qemu_plugin_hwaddr *haddr

address handle from qemu_plugin_get_hwaddr()


Returns the physical address associated with the memory operation

Note that the returned physical address may not be unique if you are dealing with multiple address spaces.


Typedef: memory callback function type


void qemu_plugin_vcpu_mem_cb_t (unsigned int vcpu_index, qemu_plugin_meminfo_t info, uint64_t vaddr, void *userdata)


unsigned int vcpu_index

the executing vCPU

qemu_plugin_meminfo_t info

an opaque handle for further queries about the memory

uint64_t vaddr

the virtual address of the transaction

void *userdata

any user data attached to the callback

void qemu_plugin_register_vcpu_mem_cb(struct qemu_plugin_insn *insn, qemu_plugin_vcpu_mem_cb_t cb, enum qemu_plugin_cb_flags flags, enum qemu_plugin_mem_rw rw, void *userdata)

register memory access callback


struct qemu_plugin_insn *insn

handle for instruction to instrument

qemu_plugin_vcpu_mem_cb_t cb

callback of type qemu_plugin_vcpu_mem_cb_t

enum qemu_plugin_cb_flags flags

(currently unused) callback flags

enum qemu_plugin_mem_rw rw

monitor reads, writes or both

void *userdata

opaque pointer for userdata


This registers a full callback for every memory access generated by an instruction. If the instruction doesn’t access memory no callback will be made.

The callback reports the vCPU the access took place on, the virtual address of the access and a handle for further queries. The user can attach some userdata to the callback for additional purposes.

Other execution threads will continue to execute during the callback so the plugin is responsible for ensuring it doesn’t get confused by making appropriate use of locking if required.

void qemu_plugin_register_vcpu_mem_inline_per_vcpu(struct qemu_plugin_insn *insn, enum qemu_plugin_mem_rw rw, enum qemu_plugin_op op, qemu_plugin_u64 entry, uint64_t imm)

inline op for mem access


struct qemu_plugin_insn *insn

handle for instruction to instrument

enum qemu_plugin_mem_rw rw

apply to reads, writes or both

enum qemu_plugin_op op

the op, of type qemu_plugin_op

qemu_plugin_u64 entry

entry to run op

uint64_t imm

immediate data for op


This registers a inline op every memory access generated by the instruction.

const void *qemu_plugin_request_time_control(void)

request the ability to control time



no arguments


This grants the plugin the ability to control system time. Only one plugin can control time so if multiple plugins request the ability all but the first will fail.

Returns an opaque handle or NULL if fails

void qemu_plugin_update_ns(const void *handle, int64_t time)

update system emulation time


const void *handle

opaque handle returned by qemu_plugin_request_time_control()

int64_t time

time in nanoseconds


This allows an appropriately authorised plugin (i.e. holding the time control handle) to move system time forward to time. For user-mode emulation the time is not changed by this as all reported time comes from the host kernel.

Start time is 0.

char *qemu_plugin_insn_disas(const struct qemu_plugin_insn *insn)

return disassembly string for instruction


const struct qemu_plugin_insn *insn

instruction reference


Returns an allocated string containing the disassembly

const char *qemu_plugin_insn_symbol(const struct qemu_plugin_insn *insn)

best effort symbol lookup


const struct qemu_plugin_insn *insn

instruction reference


Return a static string referring to the symbol. This is dependent on the binary QEMU is running having provided a symbol table.

void qemu_plugin_vcpu_for_each(qemu_plugin_id_t id, qemu_plugin_vcpu_simple_cb_t cb)

iterate over the existing vCPU


qemu_plugin_id_t id

plugin ID

qemu_plugin_vcpu_simple_cb_t cb

callback function


The cb function is called once for each existing vCPU.

See also: qemu_plugin_register_vcpu_init_cb()

void qemu_plugin_register_atexit_cb(qemu_plugin_id_t id, qemu_plugin_udata_cb_t cb, void *userdata)

register exit callback


qemu_plugin_id_t id

plugin ID

qemu_plugin_udata_cb_t cb


void *userdata

user data for callback


The cb function is called once execution has finished. Plugins should be able to free all their resources at this point much like after a reset/uninstall callback is called.

In user-mode it is possible a few un-instrumented instructions from child threads may run before the host kernel reaps the threads.

void qemu_plugin_outs(const char *string)

output string via QEMU’s logging system


const char *string

a string

bool qemu_plugin_bool_parse(const char *name, const char *val, bool *ret)

parses a boolean argument in the form of “<argname>=[on|yes|true|off|no|false]”


const char *name

argument name, the part before the equals sign

const char *val

argument value, what’s after the equals sign

bool *ret

output return value


returns true if the combination name**=**val parses correctly to a boolean argument, and false otherwise

const char *qemu_plugin_path_to_binary(void)

path to binary file being executed



no arguments


Return a string representing the path to the binary. For user-mode this is the main executable. For system emulation we currently return NULL. The user should g_free() the string once no longer needed.

uint64_t qemu_plugin_start_code(void)

returns start of text segment



no arguments


Returns the nominal start address of the main text segment in user-mode. Currently returns 0 for system emulation.

uint64_t qemu_plugin_end_code(void)

returns end of text segment



no arguments


Returns the nominal end address of the main text segment in user-mode. Currently returns 0 for system emulation.

uint64_t qemu_plugin_entry_code(void)

returns start address for module



no arguments


Returns the nominal entry address of the main text segment in user-mode. Currently returns 0 for system emulation.

type qemu_plugin_reg_descriptor

register descriptions

GArray *qemu_plugin_get_registers(void)

return register list for current vCPU



no arguments


Returns a potentially empty GArray of qemu_plugin_reg_descriptor. Caller frees the array (but not the const strings).

Should be used from a qemu_plugin_register_vcpu_init_cb() callback after the vCPU is initialised, i.e. in the vCPU context.

bool qemu_plugin_read_memory_vaddr(uint64_t addr, GByteArray *data, size_t len)

read from memory using a virtual address


uint64_t addr

A virtual address to read from

GByteArray *data

A byte array to store data into

size_t len

The number of bytes to read, starting from addr


len bytes of data is read starting at addr and stored into data. If data is not large enough to hold len bytes, it will be expanded to the necessary size, reallocating if necessary. len must be greater than 0.

This function does not ensure writes are flushed prior to reading, so callers should take care when calling this function in plugin callbacks to avoid attempting to read data which may not yet be written and should use the memory callback API instead.

Returns true on success and false on failure.

int qemu_plugin_read_register(struct qemu_plugin_register *handle, GByteArray *buf)

read register for current vCPU


struct qemu_plugin_register *handle

a qemu_plugin_reg_handle handle

GByteArray *buf

A GByteArray for the data owned by the plugin


This function is only available in a context that register read access is explicitly requested via the QEMU_PLUGIN_CB_R_REGS flag.

Returns the size of the read register. The content of buf is in target byte order. On failure returns -1.

struct qemu_plugin_scoreboard *qemu_plugin_scoreboard_new(size_t element_size)

alloc a new scoreboard


size_t element_size

size (in bytes) for one entry


Returns a pointer to a new scoreboard. It must be freed using qemu_plugin_scoreboard_free.

void qemu_plugin_scoreboard_free(struct qemu_plugin_scoreboard *score)

free a scoreboard


struct qemu_plugin_scoreboard *score

scoreboard to free

void *qemu_plugin_scoreboard_find(struct qemu_plugin_scoreboard *score, unsigned int vcpu_index)

get pointer to an entry of a scoreboard


struct qemu_plugin_scoreboard *score

scoreboard to query

unsigned int vcpu_index

entry index


Returns address of entry of a scoreboard matching a given vcpu_index. This address can be modified later if scoreboard is resized.

void qemu_plugin_u64_add(qemu_plugin_u64 entry, unsigned int vcpu_index, uint64_t added)

add a value to a qemu_plugin_u64 for a given vcpu


qemu_plugin_u64 entry

entry to query

unsigned int vcpu_index

entry index

uint64_t added

value to add

uint64_t qemu_plugin_u64_get(qemu_plugin_u64 entry, unsigned int vcpu_index)

get value of a qemu_plugin_u64 for a given vcpu


qemu_plugin_u64 entry

entry to query

unsigned int vcpu_index

entry index

void qemu_plugin_u64_set(qemu_plugin_u64 entry, unsigned int vcpu_index, uint64_t val)

set value of a qemu_plugin_u64 for a given vcpu


qemu_plugin_u64 entry

entry to query

unsigned int vcpu_index

entry index

uint64_t val

new value

uint64_t qemu_plugin_u64_sum(qemu_plugin_u64 entry)

return sum of all vcpu entries in a scoreboard


qemu_plugin_u64 entry

entry to sum